Friday, June 17, 2011

Laura's Baby Shower

This is the team that threw together a shower last weekend for my husband's sister Laura (who has a baby girl on the way). I wanted to spotlight this picture because it is a happy memory of some good sister-in-law time. There is something very special about the Gordon family, being mostly made up of boys (Laura is the sole sister at the end of the line-up). So even though all the brothers have an annoyingly close bond and are constantly sneaking off together; and even though all five wives come from different families, we are surprisingly similar, close in age, and get along like great friends. Funny how all the Gordon boys chose brunettes isn't it? And that's not the only commonality we share. All five Gordon children and their five spouses (that makes ten) graduated from NAU; and all five couples were married in the Mesa Arizona Temple. I bet not many families could say that!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laura! I love her and miss her SO much! What a great picture! all have so much in common, how neat! You all are so gorgeous too! Lucky brothers :) Congrats to Laura for finally having her baby girl!
