Saturday, May 11, 2019

Stake Campout

So, the Stake leaders turned Father's and Son's into a family campout this year. It was so nice to be invited and we were all excited to go, but when the day arrived to actually pack up and sleep outside, we kind of talked ourselves out of it (I should probably say I talked Scotty out of it). We used to really love camping when we were young and our family was little, but these days, no matter how good of an idea it seems to be, I'm never eager to do the loads of work it requires to make it possible for 8 people to sleep and eat outside (party pooper, I know). Plus, I was hacking hard from a pretty severe cold and the weather had been rainy and wet - nothing sounded as fun as my own bed. BUT...we still drove out to Camp Kanza with the Stake, joined everyone for the evening activities (it was beautiful!), then came back in the morning to cookout breakfast with the Hopkins and Kunzes (after a very warm and cozy night's sleep). We also fished and kayaked and soaked in the gorgeous scenery. Perfect campout!

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