Saturday, July 6, 2019

4th of July in Pennsylvania

Eric and Laura moved to State College, Pennsylvania this year. So, since Scott and Cheryl are still on the East Coast in South Carolina, and we are still in Kansas, we decided to meet up in the middle for a mini-family reunion during the first week of July. Then recently (since Jeff didnt have his kids for this holiday- he and Melanie recently divorced) he decided to fly out and join us. He also decided to introduce us to his new girlfriend Julie. AND...Eric and Laura flew mom out to join us for her birthday. Four siblings together out of ten, a birthday party, and a potential new family member made it an exciting gathering and a happy reunion. Eric and Laura hosted so generously and went to great lengths to make sure we all had fun. We spent lots of outside time playing sports (four square, ultimate frisbee, race running). We went to the arboretum, the movies and the trampoline park. And on Independence Day we went to Jeff's VRBO to swim and BBQ. Even all the driving and hotel living has been mostly fun. My favorite part was laughing and reminiscing with my brothers. I sure love those nerds. 2nd favorite - watching the kids with their cousins. Cousins are such easy friends. So are sisters-in-law! Right now, I'm grateful that my Scotty is here helping me make the long drive home. He flew out like a hero (even though he had to work the first half of the week) so I wouldn't have to drive home alone. We spent a little time in Hershey after we picked him up at the airport in Harrisburg. That was another highlight. Funny to think that with all this relaxing and playing and visiting and entertaining, we are celebrating our freedom. But without freedom, we wouldn't have our safe and healthy families, we wouldnt be comfortably and happily recreating, and we would have a lot more to worry about than entertainment. During one stop on our trek across the country, the kids and I went to church in some ward in Missouri and we ran into a military family that we knew back in Alamogordo (the Boydens). Brother Boyden (Justin) was leaving for deployment that week and his wife Amy was on the brink of tears during our brief visit. What a sacrifice he is making as a serviceman, to leave his family and put himself in a place of danger. What a gift and a sacrifice his wife and children are making for us - sending their dearest one away to serve. This year while we celebrate, I am thinking of them and families like them. I am also remembering the promise this land holds in the eyes of God - if we serve Him and keep His commandments (Ether 2:12). We drove half way across this country this week, and it IS a blessed land. Blessed if we are grateful to God for it. Spoiled rotten if we fail to remember Him and how we got here.

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