Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas 2021

After I did a bit of pre-Christmas cooking in the morning, we Gordons jumped in the car and took off to Wichita, looking for some Christmas Eve action. We watched Encanto (a new Disney movie) at the theater. Then we grabbed some sushi and went to the Barnses. Gma was with them and they had Indian takeout, so after we were all stuffed, they took us out in their neighborhood to see some Christmas lights. Luckily there are many holiday magic over-achievers in Wichita! Along with all the other Christmas Eve enthusiasts, we crept along Candy Cane Lane and Reindeer Road and soaked in every last bit of the season. Then, home to Pratt in a hurry so we could open our Christmas jammies, get cozy, and listen to the story of Jesus' birth from the Bible. I had been teary a few times that day - missing Nolan and worrying that he would be missing us. Looking around that dimly lit room and seeing all that we have to be grateful for really gets me going too, though. Then of course, add songs and thoughts about our dear Savior as a sweet baby... and I'm a gonner. I know that Mary was a special servant in her day, but I think that I too must be highly favored of the Lord. I know for sure that I am the most blessed among all women.

The big Santa gift this year was a new basketball hoop for the family. Reed is the one who wanted it, and it was no small chore for Scotty to grant that wish. He does a lot of hard things for this family, not to mention his patients, the Branch, and the Lord (my hero!). Colby was an awesome assistant though - did most of the grunt work. As a side bonus, Devin and Emily got a trampoline across the street. And God put the cherry on top by giving us a gorgeous 70 degree day on Christmas. It was an outside Christmas for probably the first time, here in KS.

Though, I didn't take a single picture of it, we did have a big gathering for dinner on Christmas Day. Gma and the Barnses came. Also the Bowmans, Devin and Emily, the missionaries and a lady they're teaching - Ashley Warren. Wonderful food and lovely company. We sang Christmas hymns together and the missionaries shared a sweet message. Ashley got baptized the next day after church.

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