I just don't like that my kids are getting older. I just don't. My little Colby is eight?! How? Why?! Well, since I couldn't stop it from happening, I decided to try and make it special. I brought him a breakfast in bunk bed of waffles on top of pancakes; I bought him every Skylander thing that I could find; I put a card and a treat in his lunch box, and I brought cupcakes to his class. That night we went as a family to Smiley's cafe in the mall (a greasy buffet that Colby can't get enough of).

On Sunday January 20th Colby was baptized. All our friends pitched in to make it happen, since very few family could come so far (just Grandma Gordon, to be exact- thank goodness for her!). All went well. Grandma and Nolan gave the talks, Colby's friends Taylor and Tyden offered the prayers and the primary kids provided the music. Brother Spencer, Sister Spotts and Sister Perry were very kind to conduct, lead and play piano for us. Colby invited a couple of families over for dinner, cake and ice cream afterward.
I think very few people know the real Colby, aside from his rough, loud, and rowdy exterior. I hope he will expose more and more each year, the sweet and caring and obedient boy he is inside. Im grateful for the kind compliments and cuddly hugs he gives me, and I know he is not only ready but very worthy of the important step he made to be baptized. Man, do I love that little boy, who's not so little anymore!