Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010


My husband's dad died of cancer on November 20th of this year. He fought hard and gave us a few extra years of memories that the doctors didn't expect. His funeral was the day before Thanksgiving, and though it may seem like bad timing, it was a blessing that his death was coupled with a holiday that reminds us what we are grateful for.

My father-in-law was a family man. He loved his wife so fiercely - she was his first love and his last. He was a hands-on dad and a Mr. fix-it. He was a firm believer, a church-goer and a good neighbor. He was also a doting grandpa. When Scott first brought me home to meet him, he thanked me for answering his prayers for his son. I'm very grateful for him - grateful that my husband learned from him and is so much like him already.

I'm very grateful that God created families, and I do believe it is God's design. It was His idea, not ours, that a man and a woman should unite in marriage and raise children together. It's our best chance for happiness in this life, and the safest way back home to heaven. I'm grateful this Thanksgiving, like I was when my own dad died, that I know there is a God and He has a plan. I know He sent me here to navigate this world for a reason, and it wasn't so that I could fall in love with all these people and then be seperated from them at death. He means for my family to live together forever, and because he sent His Son, we can and we will. He even gave us pumpkin pie and whip cream to give us comfort while we wait ;)

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