Monday, January 12, 2015

Teaching at the College...What?!

Here I am in January, trying to catch up on events from last Fall, and the people in this picture are the reason why...

So maybe the real teacher was life-threateningly sick the whole semester, and maybe it is a small town and the college didn't have a lot of options, but I was still uber flattered (and flabbergasted) to be offered a job to teach art! And because of my determination to not completely fail at the prospect, I may have withdrawn from every other aspect of my life and spent every waking moment studying the material, preparing power point lectures and art projects, and grading tests and papers. But I finished what I started, and God got me through. And I promise you it was God...I felt Him helping me every day. And man, what an adventure! It really pushed my capacity to the limits! It was so hard, and I learned so much, and I had so much fun, and I hated it and I loved it and I'm so glad it's over and I wish I could go back...

And wow, isn't life so like that? And aren't you glad it is?

Note to my posterity (and my future self): Never say no to the gift of a great challenge :)

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