Wednesday, May 11, 2011

10 Years Together!

It's fun to look at your life in decades. When you can see a ten-year stage of struggle, tireless work and growth behind you, you feel a real sense of accomplishment. In our ten years of marriage, Scott and I have either completed, obtained or conquered two bachelors degrees, one graduate degree, half a residency, one house and almost five kids - not to mention thousands of happy memories, answered prayers and lessons learned. I wish I could say that after ten years money is no longer an object. Alas, all we could afford to commend the occasion was one night in a mediocre hotel downtown. Still, the dinner, movie and shopping we splurged on was very extravagant compared to our usual forced frugality. These pictures represent a sad attempt to capture a very happy event on Scott's phone. For the sake of my husband and my future posterity, I would like to say that marrying Scott Gordon 10 years ago was not only the best decision I ever made, but also the realization of my fondest childhood dreams, and nothing less than an act of divine providence. Speaking as someone who has the light of the gospel, a bunch of healthy kids and all the comforts of life, I have a lot to be happy about. But if you ask me, nothing feels better than being loved by the one you're in love with.


  1. Happy 10 years! Congratulations!

  2. What a nice wife! Scott is a lucky guy! And you're lucky to have him too!
